Saturday, October 29, 2011

After months of agony and anxiety over getting a Peace Corps placement and job assignment fitting to my interests and experience, I finally have one that is just perfect! NICARAGUA!!! That's right, as of January 2012, I will be moving Nicaragua to work on Maternal Child Health programs specifically on improved nutrition and hygeine practices. If you know me, then you probably agree on how perfect the assignment and placement country is. My educational background in Spanish, International Development and Global Health as well as volunteer/research experience in women's health education is going to be put to good use. I've got a lot of paperwork to get through in the next two weeks to solidify my January departure but come 2012, stay tuned for updates on my life in Nicaragua!

To give a glimpse of the loooong Peace Corps Application process, here's my timeline:

December 2010: Completed online Peace Corps Application
March 2011: Interview with Seattle office recruiter
May 2011: Nomination to serve in Latin America in Health programs
June 2011: Dental and Medical clearance received 
August 2011: Notice of departure deferment 
September 2011: Final interview with placement office
October 26, 2011: Official invitation to Nicaragua (apparently Peace Corps was kidding about the deferment) 
October 26, 2011: I officially accepted the invite, pretty much as soon as I got it!
January 10, 2012: Staging
January 11, 2012: Departure for NICARAGUA!

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